
Can You Dye Your Hair Black In Islam?

Muslims often wonder about the Islamic ruling about dyeing black hair. Can You Dye Your Hair Black in Islam? Is coloring your hair black prohibited in Islam? Diverse viewpoints regarding this matter stem from varying exegesis of the Quran and Sunnah.

We’ll look at what Islam says regarding black hair dye for men and women in this blog post.

What Does “Haram” Mean in Islam?

“Haram” is the Arabic word for all that is banned or confined under Islamic regulation. The holy books of the Quran and the Sunnah contain a lengthy list of actions that are prohibited. The maxims, customs, and illustrations of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are associated with the sunnah.

If something is considered haram, Muslims have to stay away from it entirely. To continue being virtuous and faithful to Allah (God),. Adultery, dishonesty, eating pork, and drinking alcohol are a few other instances of prohibited behaviors.

So does black hair dye fall under this category of prohibition in Islam?

Primary Islamic Sources : Can You Dye Your Hair Black In Islam

A few hadiths include the majority of the Islamic references to black hair coloring. Hadiths are accounts of the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) sayings, deeds, or customs.

Jabir bin Abdullah narrated one significant hadith on this subject. It states:

The Messenger of Allah saw Abu Quhafa wearing two dark garments. He said, “Do not dress your father in black.” So Abu Bakr brought a light-colored garment. He dressed one side in the light-colored garment and the other side in black.”

Based on this, we see that the Prophet Muhammad advised Abu Bakr’s aging father not to wear black garments. This color symbolizes punishment or bad luck.

In another hadith from Jaabir ibn ‘Abdullah:

Abu Quhaafah was welcomed upon the arrival of the Makkah. His head and beard were white, like “thaghaamah,” which is a plant with white flowers and fruit. The Courier of Allah (Harmony and gifts of Allah arrive) said, “Change this with something, yet keep away from the dark.”

Again, this demonstrates the Prophet telling someone not to dye his white hair black and instead to choose another color to dye it.

These primary Islamic sources prove that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) forbade the use of black dye. It had troublesome imagery and relationships for the Muslim people group at that point. But does this mean all black hair dye is haram for Muslims today?

Opinions of Islamic scholars regarding the prohibition of black hair dye

Comprehensive research and analysis have been carried out by prominent Islamic religious scholars. They’re studying whether black hair dye is categorically haram in Islam. There is a consensus that there is some basis for prohibition. Yet, there are differences in assessment on whether it applies in all cases.

For example, Ibn ‘Abbas said:

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him) said, ‘At the end of time, there will be people who will dye their hair black like the crops of pigeons. They will never even smell the fragrance of paradise.’” (Imam Ahmad’s report). See also Saheeh al-Jaami‘, no. 8153.”

This does indicate that dying hair black has some negative connotations, according to Sunnah. Other scholars point out that the context is that people are doing it deliberately for misguided reasons or pride.

Along these lines, most Islamic specialists and strict bodies reason that dark hair color is makruh tahini (exceptionally loathed and objected to). This contradicts the teachings of the Sunnah.

But, except for particular situations, many do not go as far as saying it is outright haram. They do so only when it is done intentionally. They manipulate appearances or resemble non-believers. On this point, the rulings are different.

Opinions On Women Dying Hair Black In Islam

What about Muslim women wanting to look younger and hide gray hair? Does the regulation apply more strictly to women dying their hair black?

The reasons and conditions matter. Most experts allow both men and women to dye gray hair with other natural colors to avoid an aging look. But black continues to be avoided. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) addressed changing white hair to black.

This does not prohibit black hair dye for blonde or light brown hair. Again, any artificial coloring should avoid deception or misrepresentation, according to Islamic values. Vanity and pride in one’s appearance do encroach on strict standards.

Are there exceptions to allow black hair dye?

A small number of conservative scholars insist that all black hair dye is haram. They say the original hadiths and sayings never made exceptions.

However, in Islam, the predominant view is that black dye can be permissible in certain situations. It is acceptable when it is not done for explicitly prohibited reasons. For example:

  • Men coloring their whiskers dark to look more youthful for another spouse is probably taboo. But a man hiding some gray hairs to avoid looking much older than his wife may be allowed by some. Here, the aim is not negative vanity or intentional deception.
  • It’s likely fine for a woman to dye gray roots black. She does this for simplicity and practical reasons. Dyeing hair black to misrepresent the age or compete with other women crosses lines of excessiveness and deception. This violates Islamic ethics.
  • Using black plant-based dyes rather than artificial chemicals is generally viewed more favorably, though it is still contentious.

Many Islamic scholars and halal regulation boards advise against using black dye in certain cases. It is not mandatory, but it is advisable.

Eventually, there will be sensible arguments for allowing dark hair color specifically. It’s not something that more conservative Muslims want to do. They base this decision on a surface-level interpretation of texts that discourage blackness.


Is it haram to dye your hair black in Islam?

Indeed, most Islamic researchers concur that it is haram (prohibited) to color one’s hair dark in Islam. This ruling comes from hadiths. In them, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) advises against dying hair black.

Why Is It Haram To Dye Your Hair Black In Islam?

Black hair dye is against the law for a few reasons, according to academics:

  • The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) discouraged dying hair black on several occasions. This alone establishes its impermissibility.
  • Black dye can be used for deception and misrepresentation of one’s true appearance. Islam denies such control over actual elements.
  • Dyeing hair black to cover up gray hairs is considered disguising one’s age. This goes against Islamic ethics on honesty.
  • Black hair dye has negative cultural connotations in Arab society. It symbolized grief or bad luck.

Is it harmful for both men and women to dye their hair black?

Yes, scholarly consensus finds the prohibition applies equally to both Muslim men and women dyeing their hair black. The hadiths do not specify gender.

Could you at any point utilize Henna to color your hair dark?

Pure, natural henna typically produces an orange or red dye rather than a black one. Some modern chemical compounds added to henna mixtures, however, can create darker shades bordering on black. Most scholars advise avoiding these as uncertainty remains over the resulting color.

What are some permitted hair dye colors in Islam?

Permissible colors include henna (red or orange), brown, blonde, gray, and muted black like dark brown or soft black.

Can You Transition From Black-Dyed Hair To A Natural Gray Look?

Yes, some Islamic experts advise gradually transitioning black-dyed hair to more natural shades when feasible. This avoids an abrupt, misleading change in appearance. The goal aligns with Islamic ethics on honesty. It rectifies a prior practice that was not allowed.

Is hair bleaching permissible to go from black to blonde?

Bleaching black hair to reach blonde shades poses risks of hair damage. It can also lead to misrepresentation. When done properly, some Islamic scholars permit it to reverse an impermissible prior dye job. This is especially true with the intent to stop dyeing hair going forward.

Are there any conditions under which black hair dye is permissible?

A small minority of conservative scholars argue that black dye is prohibited. They say no exceptions are allowed. Notwithstanding, the larger view is that special cases do exist. For example, dyeing new gray roots to match an existing black color temporarily until transitioning to natural gray is feasible. Intent and necessity matter in determining exceptions. But caution is urged.

Is Spray-On Temporary Black Hair Dye Permissible?

Most experts discourage temporary black sprays. They fear the dye may seep into the hair and become permanent. And even temporary applications conflict with Islamic ethics. However, very short-term usage, such as for costume parties, may be an exception. This depends on intentions and necessity.

Can You Use Markers, Mascaras, or Sharpie Pens to Color Your Hair Black?

No, using skin decorations like markers and make-up to color hair black even risks enabling more permanent dyeing later. It additionally clashes with the soul of Islamic instruction to stay away from dark hair color.

Conclusion: Gradual Phasing Out May Be Best

At this point, the mainstream consensus recognizes that black hair dye is makruh. This means it is disliked and unfavorable, according to a holistic evaluation of Islamic scripture and scholarship. A complete prohibition is difficult to justify outright.

Since something might be halal (allowable), it doesn’t mean it is moral. It may not align with values like humility, honesty, and sincerity promoted in Islam.

I believe black hair dye should be phased out gradually in the community. Instead of an outright ban. Muslims should be educated based on the discouragement of the sunnah. They should also consider the connotations of deception-related risks. Then, worshippers can make informed decisions. They can decide whether to avoid black dye completely or use it mindfully in certain cases. They should also maintain ethical lines.

Brief special cases don’t nullify the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) basic principle. He advises against using black hair dye. This is to maintain a pure appearance and intention. Respectful dialogue and teaching within the Muslim community can potentially cause the practice to fade away. Islam promotes unfavorable associations with the practice.

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