
How to Get Pen Off Acrylic Nails: Quick Methods

You have invested time, effort, preparation, and expense in How to Get Pen Off Acrylic Nails. People often neglect self-care. So if you choose acrylic, good for you! When handling acrylic, caution is necessary for a tidy appearance.

We use our hands for everything. At some point, you’ll have to give up on your manicure, even if you’re careful. If you notice pen ink on your nails, you might want to know how to remove it from acrylic nails without having to go back to the salon.

In this article, you will learn how to remove pencils from acrylic nails, depending on the type of ink used.

Acrylic nails need ink. Let’s find out what we can do about it!

Understanding Ink So You Know How to Remove It

Pen inks share two basic ingredients: a colorant and a water- or oil-based liquid or solvent, which give the ink its writing characteristics. And will determine the appropriate method for removing it from your acrylics.

We’ll explore popular ink varieties.

How to get pen ink off acrylic nails: Ballpoint Pen Ink

How To Get Pen Off Acrylic Nails

This kind of ink comes from your standard “office” pen that comes in a box. Ballpoint pen ink comes in four tones: blue, red, dark, and green. It is made out of a color and an oil-based dissolvable.

Ballpoint pen ink dries quickly because it is oil-based; thus, it smears easily when wet. The ink runs from a thin tube via a little ball when you press the ball at the tip of the pen.

How to get pen ink off of acrylic nails: Rollerball Pen Ink

Similar to ballpoint pens, rollerball pens use gel or water-based ink and write with less pressure on the rollerball tip.

These pens use a thinner ink than oil-based ink, which saturates the paper more thoroughly and produces a darker color.

How to get pen marks off acrylic nails: Gel Pen Ink

Gel pen ink contains bright colors suspended in a thick, water-based gel. Gel pen ink is thick and misty and accessible in each variety under the rainbow, including white splendid neon, sparkle, and metallic.

How to get a pen mark off acrylic nails: Fountain Pen Ink

Ink for fountain pens is water-based, colored with dye, and contains a surfactant to regulate the ink flow when the nib touches paper.

Felt Tip Pens

Felt tip pens are practically more like an exceptionally dainty marker. Pens with felt tips and fine liners can have oil, alcohol, or water-based ink.

Toner Cartridge Ink

Most printer ink is made of a base of linseed or soybean oil, or a heavy petroleum distillate used as the solvent.

How To Get Ink Off Acrylic Nails

If you are reading this and still have ink on your acrylics, the ink has probably dried. In any case, you ought to know whether the ink is oil- or water-based. Both forms of ink will be much easier to remove before the ink is dry.

For Oil-Based Inks: How To Get Pen Off Acrylic Nails

There are no surenesses, yet you could have a go at scouring a couple of drops of scouring liquor on a Q-tip and spotting it around the stain; try not to lower your acrylics in liquor. This will damage your acrylic nails.

For Water-Based Inks

Here are a few things you can try: Water-based ink may come out a bit easier, but there are no promises because it is designed to be permanent.

Soap and warm water

Try this first. To try not to harm your nail treatment, utilize a modest quantity of a dish made of hand cleanser and take a stab at scouring with a dish wipe, washcloth, or whatever is delicate, however fairly “inferior.”


Apply a touch of non-gel toothpaste to the ink stain and leave it on briefly. Then, with a cloth and warm water, try to wipe it away.


If none of these work, grab a glass of wine; it will help!
You can try rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab to try and remove it, as suggested above. Alcohol is harsher than the other methods and may take the sheen off a super-polished topcoat, so be aware of that. First, give the other options a shot, and if none of them work, give alcohol a shot.

If The Alcohol Doesn’t work,

On the off chance that you’ve taken a stab at eliminating ink from your acrylics with liquor without progress, you may simply need to either live with it until your next nail arrangement or visit the salon for a final detail.

Whatever you do, don’t get carried away with the liquor since it’ll simply wind up destroying your nail treatment, and you’ll need to sort it out at the salon in any case.

Does hairspray remove ink from acrylic nails?

There are a ton of results if you Google “how to get ink off acrylic nails,” and most of them suggest applying hairspray.

So why haven’t we referenced hairspray above as a technique to eliminate ink from your acrylics?

Why Hairspray Is Likely To Work

There was a time when every hairspray contained alcohol to speed up the drying process. Liquor makes the item dry quicker; however, it is additionally drying and damaging to hair.

Along these lines, most hairsprays these days are Sans liquor. This hairspray hack might have worked with your mother’s hairspray from the 80s.

Currently, the hairspray’s liquor, not the hairspray itself, would remove the ink.

Skip yourself a stage and utilize the liquor on a Q-Tip.

What about perfume?

Perfume is also one of the things that is often suggested to remove ink from acrylics. In any case, similar to the hairspray, it’s the liquor in the aroma, not simply the scent, that will eliminate the ink.

Don’t waste your perfume; save it for your next special occasion. Just use alcohol on a cotton swab. 

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